SYN The Bully Expert

How to Respond to Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying is an all too common event that children face both in and out of school. This situation happens most commonly in school but it can also happen outside of school hours at sports events, parties and other areas where teens congregate. Knowing what to do and how to…Read More

Verbal Bullying: What it is and how to stop it

Verbal bullying is a serious issue that many children and teenagers face. In order to put a stop to this type of abuse, parents, teachers and members of the community must first understand what it is. Once a verbal bullying situation is recognized, a variety of strategies can be used…Read More

What is Bystander Mobilization?

  Bullying and harassment among children and teens have become a hot-button issue in contemporary society as a rash of suicides have swept the country. The victims may feel like they have nowhere to turn and act out by harming themselves. In response to this crisis, an emerging practice that…Read More

How to Help Bullied Children

The elephant in the room today is the bullying and depression experienced by many school children. Bullying has been around for centuries, but in the modern world, the opportunities for even anonymous bullying abound. How can parents help their children if they suspect they are the victims of bullying at…Read More

Bullying and special needs children

Children with physical, developmental, intellectual, emotional and sensory disabilities are at an increased risk of experiencing bullying at school and in other public places where they spend time, such as playgrounds and parks. A child with disabilities may not have the verbal skills to speak up for himself or herself…Read More

Addressing Bullying In Youth Sports

Bullying has been brought to national attention due to several high-profile tragedies. Bullying in youth sports has been part of the game for decades. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be so. There are many ways that coaches, parents, referees, volunteers, spectators and kids can work together to keep bullying out…Read More

Stop Bullying in 10 Steps

The following 10 steps can play a role in reducing or even eliminating bulling altogether for your child. 1. Never Ignore Bullying Never brush off behavior as kids playing or as something harmless. Any type of bullying should be addressed in the appropriate fashion. 2. Look For Signs of Bullying…Read More

Does Criminalizing Bullying Reduce Reporting?

More and more communities are enacting harsh criminal penalties for bullying offenses. Youth advocates are concerned that criminalizing these acts will further reduce reporting of bullying incidences. Lack of reporting prevents healthier and more proactive approaches to this problem. Even without criminal penalties, only one in three incidents are actually…Read More

Bullying In Youth Sports

Bullying is a problem that has invaded every arena of society today. When polled, Americans respond that bullying is a “widespread issue,” especially in youth sports. To date, the principle challenge in addressing youth bullying often boils down to one of perspective.   Defining “Bullying” According to Psychology Today, bullying…Read More

6 reasons kids don’t stop bullying situations

Youth bullying is a major issue facing our children and the lack of action by other kids to step in and stop bullying only compounds the situation. But before you write off this inaction as a “Not my problem” mentality, take a look at the six reasons researchers discovered that…Read More

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